Blog Archives

Marth Wants to Give You a Hug!

Hello! I’m pleased to show you my latest and greatest Marth art yet! MarthxRoy? Nope. MarthxIke? Don’t think so. MarthxYOU? Heck yeah!

I don't know what you did, but Marth really wants to give you a hug.

I don't know what you did, but Marth really wants to give you a hug.

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Marth and Anime Girl Doodles

Hello! Salut! It’s me! Your Duke! Etc. (yay for obscure[?] internet references)

Anyway… hi! I haven’t updated since what, Tuesday? Goodness. I said I’d only be gone for two days but I guess that was an incorrect deduction. I’ve had this and that to do… like my birthday (which was today. Yay!!!) I’m cheerful because I got a lot of FMA (Fullmetal Alchemist) books and I’m getting another. Hooray!
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